Results for 'Maëline Le Lay'

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  1.  13
    Facing Disaster: Ordinary Fictions, Resilience, and the Demand for Recognition in Eastern DR Congo.Maëline Le Lay - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):202-22.
    In DR Congo, there is a proliferation of fictions and spoken word texts that addresses aspects of the on-going conflict. Fiction in Congo does not concern itself with the rules of literary orthodoxy (verisimilitude, linguistic correctness, references), nor does it rely on the existence of a literary and editorial system that is structured and operating to guarantee a predetermined readership. Its main objective is to express emotions in an aesthetic way that touches the hearts of readers and spectators. However, the (...)
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    Arts engagés : du nouveau?Elara Bertho, Armelle Gaulier & Maëline Le Lay - 2022 - Multitudes 2:52-56.
    Se revendiquer d’un art « engagé » est devenu, dans le paysage artistique mondialisé, une posture si communément empruntée qu’elle semble presque s’être vidée de son sens. Les artistes revendiquant cette étiquette se mobilisent de manière explicite et visible en faveur d’une cause, entendant ainsi participer à lutter contre l’injustice sociale. On examine ici la manière dont se construit aujourd’hui dans le Sud global l’ ethos de l’artiste engagé, entre engagement sociopolitique et quête de la singularité, la subtile conjonction des (...)
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    Édouard Mehl; Nicolas Roudet . Le temps des astronomes: L’astronomie et la décompte du temps de Pierre d’Ailly à Newton. 402 pp., figs., indexes. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2017. €35. [REVIEW]Colette Le Lay - 2018 - Isis 109 (1):160-161.
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  4. (1 other version)L'énergétique psychique.C. G. Jung & D'yves le Lay - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):253-254.
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  5. Métamorphoses de l''me et ses Symboles.C. G. Jung & Yves Le Lay - 1955 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 11 (1):107-108.
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  6. Types Psychologiques.C. G. Jung & Yves Le Lay - 1955 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 11 (1):108-108.
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  7. Estructuras disipativas: algunas nociones básicas (I).Manuel García Velarde & Víctor Fairén Le Lay - 1980 - El Basilisco 10:8-13.
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    L' Abrégé de l'Almageste: un inédit d'Averroès en version hébraïque.Juliane Lay - 1996 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 6 (1):23-61.
    L'Abrégé de l'Almagested'Averroès, conservé uniquement en traduction hébraïque, reste inédit et peu étudié. Cet article a pour but de le faire connaître. Après avoir retracé l'histoire de l'Abrégé: date de rédaction, traduction, transmission de cette traduction, diffusion et audience, nous procédons à une première étude du texte: aperçu commenté du contenu, identification des sources et examen de leur exploitation critique par Averroès. Nous donnons également une traduction d'extraits significatifs du Prologue de l'Abrégé, avec une brève analyse. Avec l'Abrégé, nous disposons (...)
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  9.  21
    Observations sur le Langage Intérieur des Enfants. [REVIEW]Wilfrid Lay - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (24):668-669.
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    Nouvelle grossesse, nouvelle histoire?Anne de Truchis de Lays & Perrine Sablayrolles - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 234 (4):161-180.
    Le présent article vise à présenter la pratique clinique de ses auteures auprès des parents dont le premier enfant a été placé et qui attendent un second enfant. Des enjeux importants se jouent autour de cette nouvelle grossesse pour les familles ainsi que pour les professionnels qui les entourent. Dans ce contexte, le service de soins en périnatalité de l’hôpital du Vésinet peut être sollicité pour accompagner le lien parents-enfant de façon précoce et offrir un cadre suffisamment étayant au moment (...)
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    Promotion and education for health in the prevention of acute respiratory infections.Levin Torres Lebrato, Tania Martínez Paradela, Lay Torres Lebrato & Zenaida Vicente Portales - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):122-136.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamentar la necesidad de la promoción y educación para la salud en la prevención de las infecciones respiratorias agudas. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los últimos diez años que incluyó 53 artículos publicados en bases de datos biomédicas. Se concluye que las acciones educativas propuestas para la promoción y prevención las infecciones respiratorias agudas permitirán una labor educativa, para intervenir en la población con el fin de formar o modificar el estilo de vida y (...)
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    It Was a Dark and Stormy Night; Or, Why Are We Huddling about the Campfire?Ursula K. Le Guin - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (1):191-199.
    It was a dark and stormy night, in the otherwise unnoteworthy year 711 E.C. , and the great-aunt sat crouched at her typewriter, holding his hands out to it from time to time as if for warmth and swinging on a swing. He was a handsome boy of about eighteen, one of those men who suddenly excite your desire when you meet them in the street, and who leave you with a vague feeling of uneasiness and excited senses. On the (...)
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    Carmen Miranda.Jessica Les - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):103-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Carmen MirandaJessica LesCarmen Miranda, she called herself today. She suffered from decades of schizoaffective disorder and now more recently, end–stage renal disease from uncontrolled diabetes. I first met Carmen two weeks prior when she had been brought to the hospital on a 72 hour psychiatric hold for self–harm. She failed to go to dialysis for a week, an act that would kill her if allowed to continue. Now she (...)
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  14. Lay People in Church and World. The Contribution of Recent Literature to a Synodal Theme in Les laïcs dans l'Eglise d'aujourd'hui.Jacques Dupuis - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (1-2):347-390.
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    Cosmographical novelties in French Renaissance prose (1550-1630): dialectic and discovery.Raphaële Garrod - 2016 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
    Contemporary historiography holds that it was the practices and technologies underpinning both the Great Voyages and the 'New Science', as opposed to traditional book learning, which led to the major epistemic breakthroughs of early modernity. This study, however, returns to the importance of book-learning by exploring how cosmological and cosmographical 'novelties' were explained and presented in Renaissance texts, and discloses the ways in which the reports presented by sailors, astronomers, and scientists became not only credible but also deeply disturbing for (...)
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    Analyzing Leadership Attributes in Faith-Based Organizations: Idealism Versus Reality.Krystin Zigan, YingFei Héliot & Alan Le Grys - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):743-757.
    This paper aims to contribute to the growing discussion about leadership in the contemporary Church of England with a particular interest in the complex interaction between social context and leadership practices. Implicit leadership theory is used to explore mutual expectations around distributed models of lay and ordained leadership as well as ‘ordinary’ members’ of congregation. Applying a qualitative research method, we conducted 32 semi-structured interviews in 6 Church of England parishes. Through the systematic analysis of relevant contextual factors at multiple (...)
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  17. Felsefey mêjû lay Şpingler: lêkołîneweyekî şîkarî, r̄exneyiye.Merîwan ʻEbdul - 2009 - Silêmanî [Kurdistan, Iraq]: Ber̄êweberêtîy Çap u Biławkirdinewey Silêmanî.
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  18. The Status of Educational Sciences In Vietnam: A Bibliometric Analysis From Clarivate Web Of Science Database Between 1991 And 2018.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Do Minh Trang, Pham Thi Van Anh, Thi-An Do, Phuong-Thuc Doan, Anh-Duc Hoang, Thu-Hang Ta, Quynh-Anh Le & Hiep-Hung Pham - 2020 - Problems of Education in the 21st Century 78 (4):644-662.
    Since 2013, Vietnam has implemented a plan to reform the whole education sector. However, there is little understanding on the status of educational research in Vietnam, which may lay the foundation for such plan. Thus, this research aims to analyze the whole picture of educational research from Vietnam, as seen from the Clarivate Web of Science (WOS) database: 215 publications were recorded, ranging from 1991 to 2018. These 215 publications were further analyzed from five perspectives: 1) number of publications by (...)
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  19.  28
    Pedagogy of the Anthropocene Epoch for a Great Transition: A Novel Approach of Higher Education.Cécile Renouard, Frédérique Brossard Børhaug, Ronan Le Cornec, Jonathan Dawson, Alexander Federau, David Ries, Perrine Vandecastele & Nathanaël Wallenhorst (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book functions as a practical guide to support teachers and higher education institutions in the construction of their courses and programmes in light of the Anthropocene. It is divided into two complementary parts. The first part lays the theoretical foundations of what is a transition pedagogy and provides a pedagogical framework. It offers practical tools and didactic levers to be used by teachers and institutions to build a truly transformative pedagogy for students, with reference to universities already experimenting such (...)
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  20.  42
    Sortir le territoire de sa logique exclusive.Alexandre Germain - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (2):435.
    Le problème du partage des bénéfices liés aux ressources naturelles ne peut faire l’économie de la question territoriale. Cette question est de plus en plus abordée sous l’angle des droits territoriaux sans toutefois reposer sur une théorie générale de la territorialité qui permettrait d’éviter l’écueil de l’ethnocentricité. Nous proposons donc une définition fonctionnaliste de la territorialité permettant de distinguer des territorialités matérielles et idéelles, des territoires formels et fonctionnels, et des conceptions verticale et horizontale du territoire. Ces distinctions nous permettent (...)
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    Il dibattito bioetico italiano. Laici vs. cattolici [Italian bioethical debate on brain death: lay vs religious attitudes].Rosangela Barcaro - 2014 - In Francesco Paolo de Ceglia, Storia della definizione di morte. FrancoAngeli. pp. 415-431.
    La cosiddetta “morte cerebrale totale”, o più correttamente “morte encefalica” (whole brain death), è un criterio fisiologico riferito alla cessazione irreversibile e permanente di tutte le funzioni dell’encefalo (emisferi e tronco encefalico), ed è correlato alla cessazione del funzionamento integrato dell’organismo. L’applicazione del criterio neurologico, e degli esami che lo accompagnano, è finalizzato ad una diagnosi clinica e strumentale per individuare una condizione causata da lesioni neurologiche diffuse e responsabili di coma, assenza di coscienza, di respirazione spontanea, di risposte agli (...)
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  22.  14
    Le défi laïque: existe-t-il une philosophie de laïcs au Moyen Âge?Ruedi Imbach & Catherine König-Pralong - 2013 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin. Edited by Catherine König-Pralong.
    English summary: The Medieval controversies that opposed the defenders of laicism to the papacy have been well-studied by historians of political thought. However, these discussions so far have neglected the question of the relationship between laicism and philosophy in the Middle Ages. To integrate this dimension into the history of philosophy, this volume closely examines the modes of instruction used by churchmen to teach lay persons and, inversely, the appropriation of philosophy by laicists. French description: Les querelles medievales qui opposerent (...)
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  23.  26
    Le chant et la dispute (song and dispute).Michèle Gally - 1987 - Argumentation 1 (4):379-395.
    An original form of poetical debate is elaborated in the 12th and 13th century in relation to court lyricism. Under the appellation of “jeux-partis” in “oil” tongue, they meet some success in the urban frame of the “puy d'Arras”. As they formulate a sophistry of love, they intersect a number of different formalisations such as the poetical, juridical and scholastic ones.What is at stake in the debate is expressed on the dilemmatic mode. The argumentation is worked out at large through (...)
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  24.  26
    Le renouvellement du « principe dogmatique » en théologie contemporaine.Vincent Holzer - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):99-128.
    En 1965, Karl Rahner et Karl Lehmann publièrent une étude documentée et systématique sur les rapports entre kérygme et dogme, quintessence des travaux en cours dans ce domaine, au moment où s'achevait le concile Vatican II. Un premier principe consensuel allait se dégager de ces travaux. Son impact touchera directement la fonction régulatrice des langages de la foi, autrement dit du caractère principiel et originaire de cette fonction dévolue aux formules de confessions présentes dans l'écriture néotestamentaire. Il s'agissait en somme (...)
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    Le passage des frontières: Impulses, Overtures...(A Postscript).Wanda Dressler - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (2):91-96.
    This text lays out the purpose of the current issue on shifting borders and identities. It places this question in the context of the formation of macro-regional blocs and the end of bipolarization. It moves towards showing the repercussions of this context for the functioning of border zones and the identities they have fashioned over the long period of modern history. The article aims to reveal the emergence of the dogmatism of the religion of capital beneath the new faces of (...)
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  26. Le devoir m'appelle? Reinach et Williams sur les limites (éthiques) de l'obligation.Basil Vassilicos - 2015 - Philosophie 128 (1):50-63.
    In this paper, I show where Adolf Reinach comes down on the question of conflicts of obligation. The aim is to look at whether Reinach’s phenomenological realism of obligation holds its own against positions developed by Bernard Williams concerning the nature and import of obligations, and their capacity or incapacity to impinge upon each other and other moral and non-moral concerns. It is shown that even if Reinach turns out to succumb to pitfalls Williams identifies, he nonetheless verges upon agreement (...)
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  27. Le voyageur et le pouvoir magique - une étude de la Wissenschaftslehre.Luis Fellipe C. Garcia - 2016 - AUC Interpretationes - Studia Philosophica Europeanea:55-71.
    This article advances the hypothesis that the Fichtean enterprise of grounding all possible experience in a fundamental principle has to fail in order to succeed one of its most important tasks: reformulating the very idea of subjectivity. In order to ground this hypothesis, the paper will be divided in four parts: (i) the first one will analyze the starting point of the work where Fichte lays the foundations of his philosophical project (Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre) so as to show that (...)
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    Le perfectionnisme à l’épreuve du pragmatisme.Roberto Frega - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (1):1-22.
    ABSTRACT: In this paper, I first lay out a definition of perfectionism drawing mainly upon the works of Cora Diamond and Stanley Cavell. Secondly, I introduce the notion of “expressive rationality” and show how it contributes to expanding the scope of pragmatism beyond its original boundaries. I then proceed to examine pragmatism and perfectionism as competing alternative accounts of moral experience, through a discussion of Coetzee’s novel The Lives of Animals. In so doing, I intend to show that pragmatism and (...)
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    Le Je pense comme facteur de vérité: adéquation, cohérence et communauté sémantique.Paulo Jesus - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):167-188.
    This article proposes a reading of the Kantian transcendental apperception that attempts both to reinforce the cognitive efficacy of its spontaneity and to determine the modus operandi of its unifying function . Thus, being irreducible to a pure logical form , the I think is meant to constitute the qualitative unity of all possible representational system, insofar as it performs an infinite process of semantic or narrative unification. From this standpoint, the I think denotes the key operation that produces meaning, (...)
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    Toutes les disciplines ont-elles les mêmes raisons de diffuser les résultats de la recherche?Marie Laplante-Anfossi - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (3):399-414.
    Recent discussions on the relationship between science and society have led to a political imperative for disseminating knowledge to the lay public that transcends disciplines. I argue that one argument for knowledge dissemination in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines would also apply to the humanities and social sciences (HSS). I explain the consequences of this transposition by taking the example of research in philosophy. I conclude that the main obstacle to its dissemination is the recognition of a philosophical (...)
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    Le singe dans la coroplastie grecque : enquête et questions sur un type de représentation figurée.Karin Mackowiak - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (1):421-482.
    Monkeys in Greek coroplastics : an inquiry and some questions about unappreciated images. This study lays some foundations for a better understanding of the figure of the monkey in Greek representations and iconography, specifically in archaic and classical coroplastics. The archaeological data, numerous but rather unknown, reveal the singular understanding of an animal, far away from the Egyptian one in despite of continuities between two kinds of art. As the Egyptians, the Greeks enjoyed the monkey’s parodic dimension but coroplastics also (...)
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  32.  23
    De la perception à la représentation du risque : Le rôle des médias.Birgitta Orfali & Helene Joffe - 2005 - Hermes 41:121.
    Les questions de communication sont au coeur des «perceptions du risque» car la grande majorité des risques ne seraient connus que de ceux qui l'expérimentent n'eut été les médias. Le champ historiquement individualiste de la «perception du risque» a manifesté peu d'intérêt pour le contenu des mass media et leur rôle dans la construction d'une pensée sur le risque. Bien au contraire, le processus de «l'information» sur le risque était situé dans la pensée individuelle, la question centrale étant: pourquoi certains (...)
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  33.  27
    Le monde comme champ pré-individuel: Jacques Garelli, critique de Heidegger.Ovidiu Stanciu - 2018 - Studia Phaenomenologica 18:277-302.
    The purpose of this enquiry is to lay out the core features of Garelli’s conception of the world as a “pre-individual field,” as they emerge from his confrontation with Heidegger’s thought. In the first part, I am exploring Garelli’s interpretation of the “poetical expression” and the consequences he draws from it with regard to the process of “worlding” (Verweltlichung). Then, I am restating his criticism with regard to the concept of the world Heidegger developed within the framework of “fundamental ontology” (...)
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    Prendre la vertu et les droits au sérieux : l'hypothèse d'un républicanisme des droits.Christopher Hamel - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 83 (4):499.
    Contre l’opposition entre vertu et droit que Pocock a mise au cœur de son modèle de lecture de l’histoire de la pensée politique, cet article avance l’hypothèse qu’il existe une tradition républicaine qui intègre le droit naturel comme pièce essentielle de son dispositif argumentatif. Pocock a interprété les concepts de vertu civique et de droit naturel d’une manière qui ne correspond pas à l’usage qu’en font les auteurs considérés ici . En particulier, c’est parce que le détenteur du droit naturel (...)
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  35. L’origine et les fondements de la question cartésienne chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:333-357.
    Showing a very early interest in Descartes, after having first considered him as a Christian thinker in the perspective of a deconstruction of religious life, Heidegger soon regards him as the major obstacle to the phenomenological analyses he wants to develop, as part of the first ontological search he gave himself: that of a hermeneutics of facticity. Therefore, the latter immediately takes in his work the shape of a hermeneutics of the I think, therefore I am, its author being blamed (...)
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  36. La psychologie et le « chemin de croix » de la phénoménologie transcendantale.Pierre-Jean Renaudie - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:163-192.
    This article focuses on the analysis of the highly problematic relationship between Psychology and Phenomenology in Husserl’s Crisis of European Sciences, in order to show that this last writing allows us to reconsider the criticisms addressed to descriptive psychology since the first breakthrough of phenomenology. Husserl not only tries to bring psychology back into phenomenological field by describing it as a privileged “way to reduction”, but he more fundamentally shows that the closest examination of the crisis-structure of psychology is essential (...)
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    Aristotele sull’analogia tra le facoltà cognitive degli esseri umani e degli altri animali / Aristotle on the Analogy between the Cognitive Faculties of Human Beings and Other Animals.Giuseppe Feola - 2023 - Aristotelica 4 (4):79-108.
    In _Historia animalium_ VIII 1.588a18 ff., Aristotle describes the cognitive powers of non-human animals as sketches of human cognitive powers. According to the wording he chooses here, the cognitive powers of non-human animals are “traces” or “footprints” (ἴχνη, 588a19) of human ones. In this paper I explore the conceptual framework that lays behind this image, in order to show that it is much more than a rhetorical figure, and that Aristotle’s wording encompasses a whole articulated theory, whose details are set (...)
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    Questionner une quasi-absence : le témoignage dans Temps et récit.Paul Marinescu - 2015 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 7 (1):87-104.
    The starting point of this article is a surprising finding about Ricœur’s Time and Narrative. This impressive trilogy – essentially dedicated to the narrative and its capacity to refigure time, often defined as a poetics of history, laying the basis of the theory of narrative identity – barely considers the phenomenon of the testimony, generally understood as someone’s narration about a past event. But suspecting a paradoxical lacuna in the problematic of Time and Narrative doesn’t exempt us from searching its (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Friedrich Schiller : le théâtre sous le feu des lumières.Martin Matte - 1990 - Philosophiques 17 (2):101-145.
    Une forme d'art comprend-elle le critère de son acceptation ou de son rejet par la société dans laquelle elle prend forme? Le public auquel une oeuvre d'art s'adresse possède-t-il la compétence de faire l'exploration qu'elle lui propose? La Lettre à d'Alembert sur les spectacles de Rousseau et la Conférence de Schiller : « Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubùhne eigentlich wirken ? » donnent chacune réponse à ces deux questions par la caractérisation d'une manière de sentir et d'agir propre aux (...)
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    Traces de rites initiatiques féminins dans Yonec de Marie de France et dans le conte type AT 432Traces of Female Initiation Rites in Yonec by Marie de France and in the AT 432.Benedetta Viscidi - 2019 - Iris 39.
    Sulla base degli studi di Mircea Eliade, l’Autore evidenzia, nel lai antico francese Yonec e in due racconti popolari riconducibili al tipo AT 432, «The Prince as bird», tracce di scenari iniziatici femminili e del viaggio oltremondano sciamanico. Sur la base des études de Mircea Eliade, l’auteur met en évidence, dans le Lai de Yonec de Marie de France et dans deux contes de fées liés au conte-type AT 432 « L’Oiseau bleu », des traces des rites initiatiques féminins et (...)
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    La destination communautaire de l'interprétation, le De doctrina christiana d'Augustin.Patrick Thériault - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (2):233-256.
    In theDe doctrina christianaAugustine lays the foundations of a type of hermeneutics more community oriented than epistemological. Likewise, the rules he formulates have jurisdiction beyond the sole domain of semiotics; as I shall argue, they are applicable, in like (even congruent) manner, to the world of social relations. More fundamentally, these rules are intended to moderate an economy of desire, in which semiotics and social relations find a common origin and, above all, the principles of their harmonious organization. I shall (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Théories à processus duaux et théories de l’éducation : Le cas de l’enseignement de la pensée critique et de la logique.Guillaume Beaulac & Serge Robert - 2011 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 6 (1):63-77.
    Many theories about the teaching of logic and critical thinking take for granted that theoretical learning, the learning of formal rules for example, and its practical application are sufficient to master the tools taught and to take the habit of using them. However, this way of teaching is not efficient, a conclusion supported by much work in cognitive science. Approaching cognition evolutionarily with dual-process theories allows for an explanation of these insufficiencies and offers clues on how we could teach critical (...)
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    « Naked as a sign ». Comment les Quakers ont inventé la nudité protestataire.Jean-Pierre Cavaillé - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):75-100.
    England in the 1650s was the scene of a long series of prophetic and protest exhibitions of naked men and women in public places (streets, churches, universities...), causing scandal and misunderstanding among most of the public. These women and men went naked “as a sign”, thus renewing an episode of the Old Testament (Isaiah 20.2-3) by which they denounced the spiritual “nudity”, of those before whom they were exhibiting themselves. This practice sought to demonstrate what God was about to inflict (...)
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    Matérialisme et unité de l’être humain : le défi du dualisme cartésien chez La Mettrie et d’Holbach.Daniel Dumouchel - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (4):561-572.
    ABSTRACTThis paper assesses the influence of Descartes’s thought on Julien Offray de La Mettrie and Baron D’Holbach, two prominent materialist philosophers of the 18th century. While both agree on the aberrant and unintelligible character of the soul’s spirituality, their interpretation of the consequences of Cartesianism differ. To lay the ground for his own materialism, La Mettrie disingenuously describes Descartes as a crypto-materialist. D’Holbach, on the other hand, takes the mistake of dualism as the product of an overly imaginative metaphysics.
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    Normes et objets du savoir dans les premiers essais leibniziens.Marine Picon - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Pierre-François Moreau.
    Is the leibnizian'doctrine of science laying on a doctrine of knowledge? This book demonstrates that there is not such a dependence in Leibniz'searlier writings in which the theory of science is established, independently of any doctrine of understanting.
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    Wildfang (R.L.) Rome's Vestal Virgins. A Study of Rome's Vestal Priestesses in the Late Republic and Early Empire. Pp. xiv + 158, ills. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Paper, £19.99, US$35.95 (Cased, £60, US$110). ISBN: 0-415-39796-0 (0-415-39795-2 hbk). Martini (M.C.) Le vestali. Un sacerdozio funzionale al 'cosmo' romano. (Collection Latomus 282.) Pp. 264. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2004. Paper, €38. ISBN: 2-87031-223-. [REVIEW]Celia E. Schultz - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):212-214.
    The Vestal Virgins are one of the most famous elements of Roman religion, yet despite their perennial appeal and the importance of some smaller scale studies of the priesthood, the priestesses have not received a monograph-length study since F. Giuzzi, Aspetti giuridici del sacerdozio romano. II sacerdozio di Vesta (Naples, 1968). Now we have books by R.L. Wildfang and M.C. Martini that could not be more different. The former offers a thorough survey of what the sources can tell us about (...)
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  47. Théologie politique et doctrines républicaines en France de 1875 à 1914.L. de Vaucelles - 1994 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 82 (1):9-37.
    Les Républicains français poursuivent la mise en œuvre du projet de société des Lumières, dans la ligne, volontiers anticléricale, de la sécularisation de la société. Rejetant l'idée de l’utilité sociale de la religion, ils lui opposent l'idéal d'un humanisme laic, censé capable de satisfaire les aspirations les plus hautes des hommes. Ils entendent aussi fonder l'État sur la souveraineté populaire, les droits de l'hornme et les libertés civiques.Léon XIII combat inlassablement ces conceptions de la société et de l'autorité qui ne (...)
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    Religion naturelle, droit naturel et tolérance dans la « Profession de foi du Vicaire savoyard ».Gabriella Silvestrini - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (1):31-54.
    S’interrogeant sur le statut de la profession de foi du Vicaire savoyard, cet article veut mettre en lumière l’articulation entre religion naturelle, droit naturel et droit politique qui se trouve à la base du « système » de Rousseau. Cette articulation permet également de montrer que cette doctrine de la tolérance ne lie pas la tolérance théologique universelle à l’égard des croyances individuelles à l’idée d’un culte national uniforme au niveau politique, à savoir un seul modèle de religion civile . (...)
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  49. Pierre Bayle: Tome II—Hétérodoxie et Rigorisme. [REVIEW]C. H. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):155-156.
    Pierre Bayle can lay claim to having fathered the history of philosophy or the history of ideas. Marx at any rate said of his Dictionnaire that it "wrote the epitaph of philosophy." He was also the founder of the journal Nouvelles de la République des Lettres—one of the forerunners of the modern academic journal—in whose Preface he wrote: "il s'agit [ici] de Science: on doit donc mettre bas tous les termes qui divisent les hommes en différentes factions et considérer seulement (...)
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    Fashion on the Brain: The Visible and Invisible Bonds of the Imagination in Malebranche.Katharine J. Hamerton - 2022 - French Historical Studies 45 (3):415–449.
    This article explores Nicolas Malebranche's approach to fashion: an inescapable postlapsarian consequence of God's sociable design of the human mind and body as manifested in the imagination. A problematic side effect of the general laws established by God governing the soul-body relationship, fashion wreaked havoc on individuals' thinking and potential for redemption yet pointed to a larger providential plan for social benefit. These ideas led Malebranche to a distinctive nonpolitical approach to fashion—both “Enlightenment project” and theodicy—in which he sought to (...)
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